March 10, 2025 – Website Traffic

For last month,, received over 27,000 unique visitors!

For those of you who may not know the difference between unique visitors and hits, there is a tremendous difference. Unique visitors are one visit to the website counted per unique IP address in a 24-hour period. Website hits, are just the number of individual image or graphic segments that load when a page is accessed. So, if you look at the chart above, you’ll note that for December 2016, received 27,437 unique visitors! If you look over on that same row to the last column that’s titled ‘hits’, you’ll see that we had 151,510 hits for December 2016. The huge disparity here is because if one page has 20 or 30 graphic elements that load when the page is accessed, you may have one unique visitor for that day, but, it would show that you had 20 or 30 hits. This is why the amount of hits that a site gets, is really irrelevant.

Now as far as unique visitors go, if you use your smart phone or your computer to access a website that would count as one unique visitor from the phone and naturally one from the computer because each has its own distinctive IP address. But, if you were to then revisit the site, lets say five minutes or five hours later from your phone or computer, it would not be counted as another unique visit. Unique visits are only counted per IP address in a 24 hour period.

In a highly competitive and large market like San Diego California, in order to generate business from  a real estate website it takes tens of thousands of unique visitors. So, even though every realtor should have a website the vast majority are only used for potential clients to look up details about that individual Realtor. Yes, most websites on, are just like billboard advertising. If, you want to invest the time and effort necessary to generate highly directed unique traffic to your website, it could really pay off in additional commissions. But, the truth is, you have to make a huge investment and stick to that investment for at least a few years before you may see results.

Plus, and it’s a big plus if you want to maintain high rankings in the search engines the process of social interaction multiple monthly posting, unique video creation and article writing actually never ends! Because, if it does end, if you have reached a high place in the search engines, eventually your website will slowly slide down in the rankings just because of newer sites and high competition. This fact is the biggest reason the vast majority of individual realtors websites, and for that matter, most real estate broker sites are really not taking advantage of the potential new business that the Internet can and does create.

real estate agent San Diego
Bob Schwartz at the summit of Mount Whitney California

Lastly, the majority consensus from SEO practitioners, is that Google considers the age of the website in its algorithm for potential ranking. This could be why even though a new site may have lots of good and unique information on it it will not out rank much older sites with less useful content. An analogy, would be like a good wine, even though you use the best grapes, the age of the wine is paramount in its flavor and naturally pricing.

Oh by the way, I’m retiring and so will be offering for sale. If you’re interested, email me.







