February 9, 2025

San Diego Real Estate Website Traffic

Over 28,000 unique blog visitors to www.brokerforyou.com in August 2015!

San Diego real estate traffic

So how does website traffic for brokerforyou.com compare to the average San Diego real estate agents website?

Well, below is a actual graph for a coastal La Jolla, and Encinitas real estate site that was registered in 2003. Yes, after 13 years it has only achieved of very small percentage of traffic when it’s compared to brokerforyou.com. It’s my contention, this would be true for the majority of individually owned real estate San Diego real estate agent sites.

la jolla real estate traffic

Over 26,800 more unique monthly visitors to www.brokerforyou.com! Where would your San Diego home get more exposure to people interested in the San Diego real estate market?So how does this benefit my clients? Well, that should be quite obvious… When I list the property for sale or rent the listing information, as well as a custom-made YouTube video of the property always goes on my site, as well as my very popular YouTube real estate channel. As you can see from the traffic chart above for www.brokerforyou.com, the average monthly unique visitors for the last three months was over 30,200 per month versus the coastal La Jolla Encinitas site, which averaged only 1,583 unique visitors for the past three months.

When marketing, real estate, the key is exposure and without getting into my other marketing techniques. Just placing the listing information here on www.brokerforyou.com exposes it to almost 19 times more traffic than most other average San Diego real estate agents sites! This tremendous marketing exposure is one of the reasons for over a decade, I have only listed residential properties for 90 days or less! With my high-tech marketing, including exposure on www.brokerforyou.com,  I would venture to say that is extremely rare ( actually I can’t remember the last time) that I did not sell clients property well within my 90 day listing time-frame.

It always amazes me that when potential clients interview other agents and they tell how great their marketing efforts are then they turn around and say well our minimum listing time is six months or nine months because that’s just our policy. Well, if their marketing was really that great, why would they need to tie up a clients property for half a year or more?

If your a potential San Diego residential real estate seller,, when doing interviews with other agents ask them to show you what they’re unique monthly traffic is to their personal website. Sure, it’s just one metric and one important question to ask, but now that you have a benchmark as far as traffic to www.brokerforyou.com goes, you’ll be able to judge where your property will get the maximum exposure.