“If a potential buyer believes that housing prices may fall more, then mortgage rates...
San Diego housing
Sure enough at some point ( sooner if the government stop to intervene at...
A few San Diego real estate factors to consider: First the shadow inventory is...
In my 7-7-10 my post:  San Diego real estate 2010 2nd. Half Outlook …...
Now with the Federal real estate tax credits over, it may not be long ...
San Diego real estate sales, after the just expired tax credits, look like they...
California experienced a 59 percent peak-to-trough decline in price, hitting bottom in 2009 versus...
Is now the best time to purchase a San Diego home? Compelling Reasons to...
The only housing ‘recovery’ of any significance will be in the markets where jobs...
It should be clear that, on average, now is not yet the time to...